4 products in this product line

Chia Seed: Chia seeds are a popular ingredient that is often added to bubble tea drinks for their nutritional benefits and unique texture. Chia seeds are small, black or white seeds derived from the Salvia hispanica plant, native to Mexico and Guatemala. In bubble tea, chia seeds are typically soaked in liquid, such as water or flavored syrup, to make them gelatinous and plump. They absorb the liquid and develop a soft, jelly-like texture while still retaining a slight crunch. The soaked chia seeds are then added to the beverage, enhancing its overall mouthfeel and visual appeal. Chia seeds are valued for their high content of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants, making them a nutritious addition to bubble tea. They can provide a boost of energy, aid in digestion, and contribute to a feeling of satiety. When consumed in bubble tea, chia seeds offer a unique sensory experience. As you sip the drink, you can enjoy the soft, gelatinous texture of the chia seeds, along with the flavorful beverage itself. The seeds add a subtle crunch and a playful element to the overall drinking experience.
Golden Buckwheat: Buckwheat is a pseudocereal grain that is commonly cultivated for its nutritious seeds, which can be ground into flour or used to make tea. Golden buckwheat tea is prepared by roasting the buckwheat seeds until they turn golden brown. The roasting process enhances the flavor of the seeds, resulting in a nutty and slightly toasty taste profile. The brewed tea has a rich golden color, hence the name ""golden buckwheat."" In the bubble tea industry, golden buckwheat tea is often used as a base for creating unique and flavorful beverages. It can be combined with other ingredients such as milk, fruit flavors, or toppings to create a customized bubble tea experience. When used in bubble tea, golden buckwheat tea offers a distinct taste that sets it apart from traditional tea bases like black tea or green tea. Its nutty flavor and aroma can add depth and complexity to the overall flavor profile of the drink. Additionally, golden buckwheat tea is known for its potential health benefits, as it is a good source of fiber and contains various nutrients and antioxidants.
Wheat Germ: In the bubble tea industry, wheat germ can be added to drinks for its nutritional benefits and to enhance the texture and flavor. Wheat germ is a concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, including nutrients like vitamin E, folate, magnesium, and phosphorus. It also contains healthy fats and proteins. When incorporated into bubble tea, wheat germ can contribute to the overall nutritional content of the beverage. It can be blended into the drink or sprinkled as a topping to add a nutty flavor and a slightly crunchy texture. Wheat germ can provide an extra dimension of taste and mouthfeel to the bubble tea experience.
Wheat germ powder is a finely ground form of wheat germ, which is the nutrient-rich core of the wheat kernel. It is created by milling or grinding the wheat germ into a powder consistency, making it easier to incorporate into various recipes and food preparations.
Wheat Germ Powder: In the bubble tea industry, wheat germ powder can be used as an ingredient to enhance the nutritional value and flavor of drinks. Wheat germ is known for its high content of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy fats. By adding wheat germ powder to bubble tea, you can introduce these beneficial nutrients into your beverage. To use wheat germ powder in bubble tea, it can be mixed into the drink during the preparation process. It may be combined with other ingredients such as tea, milk, flavorings, or sweeteners to create a customized and nutritious bubble tea experience. The addition of wheat germ powder can contribute a subtle nutty flavor and a smooth texture to the bubble tea. It offers a way to incorporate extra nutrients into your beverage while enjoying the unique taste profile that wheat germ brings.

  • Chia Seeds
    Chia Seeds
    1kg/ bag
    Q'ty :
  • Golden Buckwheat
    Golden Buckwheat
    1kg/ bag
    Q'ty :
  • Germ
    1kg/ bag
    Q'ty :
  • Germ Powder
    Germ Powder
    1kg/ bag
    Q'ty :