
How to Make Dragon Fruit Darjeeling Tea Latte

✔ Ingredients:

- 50g Boba Empire original topping creamer powder
- 200cc milk
- 200cc Boba Empire Darjeeling Black tea
- 20cc Fructose
- 100g Dragon fruit
- 10cc Fructose
- 50cc Room temperature water
- Ice cubes

✔ Directions:

1. Put original topping creamer powder and milk into blender for 1 min.
2. Mix 200cc Darjeeling Black tea with 20cc fructose then add ice to 60% full and stir for a while, pour into the cup.
3. Put 100g dragon fruit, 10cc fructose, 200g ice and 50cc room temperature water into the blender. Start blending till it becomes juice.
4. Pour dragon fruit juice into the cup and put original topping creamer on the top to full.

A cup of dragon fruit Darjeeling tea latter is ready to enjoy.